Smoked Turkey - The turkey is a big, domesticated bird, native to North America.
Restaurants How to Get the Best Food and Service in Your Favorite Restaurant - I have been a waitress for many years, working in all different kinds of places.
Hints for Absolutely Delightful Family Meals - Everyone's talking about family meals these days.
Basic Steps To Make Great Tasting Tea - Not everyone knows how to make tea the correct way.
How I Came To Love Tea - "Theresa, will you take your tea in the garden, or in the lounge, dear?" Margaret pronounced the second "e" as "ay" -- Ther-AY-sa -- making it sound royal to my American ear.
Tea for Two Or More Party - A Tea Party may have the reputation of being a calm and quiet gathering, but that doesn?t mean it can?t be a good time.
They Eat What Latin Americas Most Exotic Foods Part - So you?re back for more, huh? Well if I didn?t get to you in part one with ?treats? from Colombia, Brazil and Mexico you?re gonna just love what you?ll get here in part two of this three-part series.
Restaurant Fast Food Its Not Like Grandma Used to Make - The growth of restaurant fast food cannot be denied.
Cooking For One - When you find yourself living alone for one reason or another, you might start ending up with a large amount of leftovers after cooking each meal.
Beer More Things You Can Learn - In a previous article we started a discussion of some of the things you can learn about beer.
