Secrets to the Perfect Cup of Coffee
How to Make the Perfect Cup of
Want to know how to make the perfect cup of coffee? A few simple
steps will make your coffee taste great every cup.
Before you even start, when you bring your coffee home, store it
in an airtight container that blocks the light. Ceramic is best
because plastic and metal containers can impart a taste to your
coffee or coffee beans. Keep your coffee at room temperature.
Storing it in the refrigerator or freezer will also lead to
deteriorating flavor. Water or ice attaches itself to the porous
coffee and ruins the taste. And buy only the amount of coffee
that can be used within a couple of weeks.
Enthusiasts agree. Coffee drinkers who want the perfect flavor
use whole coffee beans and grind their coffee just before
brewing. Coffee grinders improve the taste of coffee because
they release the oils and aromas of the coffee beans immediately
before you brew your coffee. Experts advocate using two heaping
tablespoons of whole beans to the grinder for every six ounces
of water you use.
Since coffee is 99% water, use water that is free from chlorine
and other minerals. You want the taste of the coffee, not the
taste of the water used for brewing. And if you have control of
the temperature of your water, keep it between 195 degrees and
205 degrees to ensure getting the best flavor extraction from
your ground coffee.
And what about that coffee maker? Drip coffee makers are easy
and can produce terrific coffee. The key to making perfect
coffee with a drip coffee maker is making sure to use a gold,
nylon, or other type of permanent filter. Permanent coffee
filters insure that the flavor molecules from the coffee grinds
pass into the water without adding additional flavors. Those
disposable paper filters have an aftertaste that they impart to
the coffee on the one hand and on the other, they absorb those
special aromatic oils from the grinds that are essential for
excellent taste. If you must use paper filters, use the
unbleached kind and rinse them with hot water before you use
When was the last time you cleaned your coffee pot and mugs and
cups? Clean equipment can make a tremendous difference in how
your coffee tastes. Every so often clean out your mugs and cups
with baking soda and water, and rinse them out thoroughly. Every
month pour a mixture of 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water into
your drip coffee maker and turn it on. Let the mixture run all
the way through, turn off you coffee maker and let it cool for a
half hour. Pour out the vinegar mixture and run one or two
reservoirs full of clear water to rinse it out, letting the pot
cool for 15 to 20 minutes between each rinse.
And one last step. Be sure to drink it while its fresh - more
that 20 minutes after brewing is done, your coffee will begin to
taste bitter. Now its time to make your coffee.
And now--ENJOY. |
