Colombian Coffee
Colombian Coffee is grown at
high altitudes and tended with painstaking care in the shade of
banana and rubber trees. This coffee is among the best in the
world, rich, full-bodied, and perfectly balanced. Coffea Arabica
L., more commonly known as the Arabica bean, prefers higher
altitudes and drier climates than its cousin, the lower quality
Robusta bean (C. Robusta). Therefore, the arid mountains and the
well-drained, rich volcanic soil of Colombia provide ideal
conditions for growing high quality coffee.
Colombian coffee is grown in two main regions, the central
region around Medellin, Armenia and Manizales, known as MAM to
aficionados, and the eastern, more mountainous region near
Bogotá and Bucaramanga. MAM varietals are known for their heavy
body, rich flavor and fine, balanced acidity while the mountain
grown eastern beans produce an even richer, heavier, less acidic
coffee. The finest Colombian coffee comes from this region.
It is not known for sure when coffee first reached Colombia but
many historians believe it to be around the same time Jesuit
priests first began arriving from Europe in the mid 16th
century. The first exports of coffee from Colombia began in 1835
when around 2500 bags were exported to the U.S.
By 1875 170,000 bags were leaving the country bound for the U.S.
and Europe. The exports grew exponentially over the next hundred
years or so and peaked in 1992 at around 17 million bags. Today,
Colombian coffee exports are around 10 million bags per year.
For many decades Colombia was the worldˇ¦s second leading
producer of coffee behind Brazil. Recently, Vietnam surpassed
Colombia in coffee exports to take the number two seat and move
Colombia into a close third. However, the old adage of quality
over quantity certainly applies here.
The Arabica bean does not grow well in Vietnam. Only the hearty,
yet inferior, Robusta is suited for the low, wet climate of
Vietnam. Colombian coffee is far superior and is considered by
many coffee experts to be the finest in the world.
Any discussion on Colombian coffee would not be complete without
mentioning the wildly successful marketing campaign created by
the National Federation of Colombian Coffee Growers in 1959
which introduced the world to the friendly and affable Juan
Valdez. Though a fictitious character, the poncho clad, sombrero
wearing Juan Valdez gave a face to the humble coffee picker and
created a mystique and aura of romance that still survives
A recent survey reported that 85% of Americans still associate
the name Juan Valdez with Colombian coffee. Quite an
accomplishment, especially considering that only 75%
acknowledged recognizing the name Dan Quayle. |
